Summer is right around the corner folks. That means it’s time to make some fun plans to ensure that you have the best summer ever. Not only does this mean finding the best AirBnBs and most lively bars, but it also means planning to stay safe during the summer.
While you’re out partying and having the time of your life, there are some things to keep in mind. No matter where you are, you always need to be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. It’s good to stay observant of anything sketchy and to stay close to anyone you’re with.
“I love going out with my friends during the summer,” said Chelsea Mayor, a 21-year-old criminal justice major from Holmdel. “We’re always looking out for each other on nights out, especially watching each other’s drinks. You never know what kind of weirdos are around you.”
It’s too often that a group of young college kids goes out and someone slips something into their drinks. Thankfully, there are some ways to recognize if a drink has been spiked. Some things to look at for are; excessive bubbles, fogginess, and ice sinking in your drink, as well as color or taste changes. Unfortunately, most substances are odorless, colorless and, tasteless, making a spiked drink hard to spot. If you’re ever unsure, it’s safer to just pour it out and get a new one.
Summer is the best time to get out and enjoy the outdoors. Going on bike rides, and sitting by the pool, mixed with some long beach days is the ideal Jersey summer, most would say. You can never go wrong with a good ol’ Jersey Shore summer. However, there are some limits and precautions you should think about when being outdoors this summer.
Although we are college kids, some of us may still need the reminder; make sure to wear your sunscreen! There’s nothing like having an exciting beach day end in the worst sunburn of your entire life. The sunscreen right for you should have an SPF of 15 or more and try your best to reapply as often as you can!
If you prefer exercising outdoors during this time of year, try to stay in the shade to reduce the chances of overheating. Along with this, make sure to wear a good pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes and keep something high in electrolytes near to stay hydrated.
If you’re the outdoorsy type, you could also benefit from bug repellent. There are lots of bugs out there, specifically mosquitos, that can carry dangerous diseases. However, with the right type of repellent, you’ll be just fine!
If you follow these tips as best as you can, a fun, ‘sunburn-free’ summer is in your future! Get out there and stay safe this summer!