“Very talkative. She engages more than other professors,” said Orion Martinez, an 18-year-old video production major, discussing Professor Sabrina Mathues.
Martinez, who is currently a student in Mathues’ Communication Media 101 course, praised the professor’s ability to get “students to engage in conversation in a way that builds off of each other.”
In addition to teaching communication classes, Mathues is chair of the College Success Department. The college success course “helps students develop success skills for college and engages undecided students in selecting their major and career path,” she explaining.
Upon arriving at Brookdale, Mathues had over a decade’s worth of experience and has since nearly doubled it, but her path in education did not begin with teaching roles. Prior to Brookdale, she spent time in more administrative positions. Even with the extensive workload management roles entail, Mathues persevered and enrolled in classes where’d she eventually learn that teaching suited her more.
When asked about her biggest accomplishments, Mathues first response was, admirably, her family. However, it is also worth noting that she has written two textbooks on college success published by university publishers. “One Step at a Time: A Roadmap for Problem Solving & Making a Difference” was published in 2024 by the University of Arizona Global Campus.
Mathues deliverers her teaching and lectures through a unique lens, keeping her courses constantly interactive and engaging.
Students in Mathues’ classes said she is excellent at keeping the classroom vibrant and excels at capturing attention. From this alone, it is not hard to recognize the sheer passion she holds for not only her course topics, but also her students.