A Day in the Life: Amy Clark, Head Librarian


Photo by Corine Tamayo

Amy Clark is currently the head librarian of the Bankier Library, a faculty member and the department chair.

Before becoming a librarian, Clark was an English teacher. She didn’t like how time-consuming it was to grade papers (especially within the English discipline), and so she went back to school. By earning her master’s degree, she was able to stay in education and still work with students.

Education for librarians is extensive and comprehensive. Some degree programs include the Master of Library and Information Science and Master of Library Science. Within these degrees, people take classes in library management, cataloging, information science, research methods, reference resources and library collections.

“Most people don’t know all of the services available in the college,” Clark said. For instance, one of her many responsibilities includes meeting with students to assist and guide them with research for certain courses. However, she doesn’t only work with students.

As head librarian, she works with course instructors in liaison areas like nursing psychology to develop and add more resource materials, otherwise known as acquisitions. All of the resources, like databases and books are then made available to students. These help students complete requirements and write our essays. She also participates in college affairs and serves on several committees.

Aside from research appointments, the library offers loans on technology, including iPads and laptops. Another important program offered by the library is the annual research contest. In this contest, students compile research for a certain course into a paper and are judged on the quality of their sources and research process.