Speak Out about Zoom Classes and More

Speak Out about Zoom Classes and More

Students who have concerns or even advice they would like to share with Brookdale’s administration are invited to Speak Out at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 24.
The Student Life Board will conduct a Zoom meeting where students can make their voices heard. Prior to the meeting, students can fill out a survey about their experiences at Brookdale at: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=MdE5f0eySUiS9rlp2uSSB7kGrFzJPaFGuY0qczryfIJUOU8wRDNFRUpKUEtEMzI4OE9JTFo5UlJOSi4u
Questions on the survey include an opportunity for students to anonymously rate their experiences this semester, including their Zoom classes.

Students who want to attend the meeting are urged to fill out the survey or to check the college website as the date gets closer for the specific Zoom information.