March 8th is National Women’s Day

A Poem

Reyna Perez, Author

It saddens me to know that …

No matter what day, we should speak well of ourselves.

What I see daily is so much violence, and we are not respected. God is going on.

I walk the streets, but not calmly, as it was before,
Always watching and criminalizing everyone is not fair, what should we do to achieve respect for each other?

With fear, I think about my daughter’s future, because so much evil has been unleashed in the world.

Why do we no longer teach values?

We cannot blame globalization; times change and we have to learn to live with changes.

But let us not be broken… let us always remember our principles and instill them in our children.

We cannot escape the truth; no matter what we face in life, let’s all hold hands and form a great force.

Let’s face everyday problems.

Let’s make the most of our time with our children.

Let us no longer continue to be considered the weaker sex.

Women fighting under the sun’s rays, no matter what they call us, rebels but with dignity.

Sometimes all we need is a little encouragement to make a great leap.

Let’s raise our voices

Because silence stagnates us…

Let’s raise our voices

So that they also hear us.

Let’s raise our voices

To illuminate our concerns.

Let’s raise our voices

So that we are finally free.